Friday, March 29, 2013


After 2 1/2 grueling, dirty, smelly, and hopeful weeks Coen is wearing underwear. And he has pooped three times in the potty! No accidents for two days. Besides naptime and bedtime. I was just about ready to give up and then he got it.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Coen got his very own kickboard scooter today. The look on his face when we opened it and said it was his was priceless. He is the third child and does pretty good with hand me downs and sharing with the older two. But today he got his own kickboard and got to ride around with the other kids with their bikes and he was loving it.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I keep having this feeling that Coen is going to give us the most trouble. He is defiant, stubborn, and curious. However, today I was fighting with him to let me brush his teeth and I was explaining that I was going to brush them first and then he could do it and instead of his usual whining he said "ok mom" I gave him a big kiss and brushed his teeth. Maybe there is some hope.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I love Toddlers

As much work as Coen is he brings that much and more joy into my heart. Seeing him smile his cherubic grin and watching him run and dance-- there is nothing sweeter.

He is trouble though. I have caught him with the steak knives three times this week. He always finds the baby powder. He managed to break several things at Christmas-- he just likes to watch things break I think. He cant make it through a meal without throwing something off the table. He is brave and stubborn. He loves his big brother and sister. He loves his Daddy.

He loved opening up gifts this year. It didn't matter what it was it was the same reaction "Wow!"
It's so much fun when they start to want their own independence, more work, but so sweet. "Me do it!" He is talking really well and is very bright.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Coen learned how to get out of his crib. So at bedtime and naptime it takes twice as long to get him to sleep. But we just keep on putting him back.

The first time he got out he walked out of his room, looked at me like "What?" and walked over to the couch and picked up the remote and said "Movie?"

Tonight he still wasnt asleep by 10 (we put him down at 8) so we let him come out and sit on the couch with us for 10 minutes. He was so sweet, just sitting and cuddling. When the movie was over he snuggled deeper and pointed to the tv as if too say "keep it coming Mom!" and when we said it was bedtime he kept saying "no"
As soon as I laid him down though he was out.
Cute little guy. Even if he is messy. I can't get enough of his sweetness.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Everytime Coco Bean says a new word my heart melts. He said cup and pizza today. The other day he started saying Valerie. If he wasn't such a troublemaker I would say he was an angel. He is a dumper. Everything he sees he dumps or throws. He is going to play ball I think.

He loves being with the other kids. He wants to be involved in whatever they are doing. They make quite a trio. Sawyer teases Coen once in a while but its Coen and London that fight. But for the most part they are pretty good.

Everytime Coen sees me after I've been gone he runs at me full speed and runs into my arms. Never get sick of that.

Tonight London was pretending to be in a coma and we were trying to think of things to revive her and I told Coen to kiss her and he did....over and over again. It was cute until Sawyer started trying it. She played "dead" for at least five minutes...stayed in character the whole time. Drama Queen.